Le boxeur se prépare installation
Le boxeur se prépare
Le boxeur se prépare, ses vêtements attendent dans la salle (The boxer gets ready, his clothing wait in the room) is an exhibition made up of six elements. There are two images of a boxer, one in faux gold leaf and the other is a cut out figure at the entrance of the gallery. The other four elements are objects that make direct reference to the boxer’s clothing: a shoe, a boot, a glove and shorts. The four objects are made of diverse materials easily found in the markets of Douala, Cameroon: recycled rubber inner tubing, sugar, egg-shells, false hair and hand made/cut gravel.
A discussion was held with local artists about the exhibition and ideas of contemporary art.
Le boxeur se prépare, ses vêtements attendent dans la salle‘s inspiration comes from an image found on the package of a brand of matches that was easily found in the 90’s in Cameroon (image below). The boxer is considered to be an image of conflict. Some of the materials, like rubber and sugar, have been traditionally exploited in Africa to the detriment of the local population, and the enrichment of European economies. Every piece in the series/installation has its own particularity and presence ,but each is somehow dysfunctional. An important theme in the work is the transformation of objects and materials. They are manipulated to represent something different than intended.
Exhibition History
Le boxeur se prépare, ses vêtements attendent dans la salle, Espace Doual'art, Cameroon, 1999. Curator: Marylin Douala Bell and Didier Schaub.
Related Documents
The common matchbox found in Cameroon, which was the source of the boxer silhouette in the work Le boxeur se prépare.