The artist with Epinglée / Pinned (Hand in Front) part of triptych-Main piece in exhibition

The artist with Epinglée / Pinned (Hand in Front) part of triptych-Main piece in exhibition
22 x 18 inches
Digital photographic print on rag paper
Part of the In the Flesh / En chair et en os exhibition. This work is in the section Current Work.
One of the images of the triptych Epinglée / Pinned: Hand in Front
Photo by Laura Borello-Bellemare
This is one of the images of the tryptic presenting the artist wearing Pinned where she is posing as if she were presenting herself for an identity picture, for an official document.
The artist intents to portray a sense of control and out of control wearing something that is in part dangerous. A violence to the body that is implied and presented in a very undermined manner.