Sugar Shoe

Sugar Shoe
18 x 18 x 10 inches
Sugar cubes, 3 glasses, water, metal tray
Part of the Le boxeur se prépare installation. This work is in the section Past Work.
The sugar cubes are glued together to make a boot form. It sits on three glasses placed in a metal serving tray with an inch of water. All the materials were purchased at a local market.
The dysfunctional boot is served up to us. It is raised up by the glasses as if it were a monument, but a failed one. It is made of common objects and is perishable. The water protects it from ants. The sugar is a resource traditionally exported from Africa into the west, a reminder of a history of exploitation.
Le boxeur se prépare, ses vêtements attendent dans la salle., Espace Doual'art, Douala, Cameroon. 1999. Curator: Marylin Douala Bell and Didier Schaub.