Seeing Things

Seeing Things
A 16mm projector placed on a white stand projects a black and white film loop on the wall. The film shows a close-up of the artists’ eyes blinking. A noisy industrial fan blows air over the projector towards the projected image.
There is a direct relationship between the fan and the projection in Seeing Things. It is as if the wind blowing across the gallery into the eyes is making them blink. The work plays with the projected image, as a representation, reacting to the tangible feel of the fan’s air. Being and seeing, perception and presence.
This work was exhibited with Found Object. The two works discuss the body’s search for presence and desire.
The artist would like to thank Eduardo Aquino for his technical help in the making of the work.
Seeing Things et Touch Me With Your Tongue, La Centrale Galerie Powerhouse, Montreal, Quebec. CANADA. November 7-29, 1992.