Palomitas Blancas

Palomitas Blancas
The Palomitas Blancas installation is composed of eight school uniforms sewn out of kraft paper. Two of the uniforms hang on the wall inside acrylic boxes, with powdered graphite at the bottom. The boxes have etched on them: Mire atrás and Al bajar. The six other uniforms are free-standing in the gallery space set in two lines of three.
Palomitas Blancas (Little White Doves) are modeled on the common white uniforms worn by elementary school girls in Argentinian public schools. Mire atrás / Al bajar translates to “Look behind” / “When you step down”, which comes from a sign found above the back exits of city buses, warning passengers to be careful when getting off. The work was made in her home city, Mendoza, while the artist was traveling from Canada on a grant. It was an opportunity to deal with some of the Argentinian history of the 1970’s. There is something nostalgic in this work that relates back to the experience of exile. The work uses concepts of presence and absence, and leaves space to consider the effects of dark events. It is one of the few pieces in the artist’s oeuvre that speaks to her origins.
Absence, Galerie B-312, Montreal, Quebec. CANADA. January 8-February 5, 1994.
Heavy Stitching, AKA artist-run Center, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. CANADA. April 8-29, 1995.