L.B. and L.B.B. with Many-Main piece in exhibition

L.B. and L.B.B. with Many-Main piece in exhibition
34 x 42.5 inches
Digital photographic print on rag paper
Part of the In the Flesh / En chair et en os exhibition. This work is in the section Current Work.
Léonie Bélanger and Laura Borello-Bellemare holding and manipulating Many.
The works are bundles of steel wool attached and suspended by wire.
These series of images started as the idea of having dancers/performers take my three-dimensional works and perform with them, as a way to reconnect the body, their bodies with the concepts behind each of the pieces.
Many are a combination of the erotic and the grotesque, making reference to our genitalia, both male and female. The bundle of steel wool held by L.B. seems to transform into the head of medusa.