Gold Boxer

Gold Boxer

15 x 8 inches approx.
Faux gold leaf applied on the wall of the gallery
Part of the Le boxeur se prépare installation. This work is in the section Past Work.



Faux-gold leaf silhouette of a boxer, an image taken from a common matchbox found in Cameroon, is burnished directly onto the wall of the gallery.


The golden boxeur is ready to fight but is frozen. The image is precious. From its vantage it oversees all the other works in the installation. It echos an identical silhouette cut from a roll of tracing paper that hangs as a wall at the entrance of the exhibition.


Le boxeur se prépare, ses vêtements attendent dans la salle, Espace Doual'art, Douala, Cameroon. 1999. Curator: Marilyn Douala Bell et Didier Schaub.

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The common matchbox found in Cameroon, which was the source of the boxer silhouette in the work Le boxeur se prépare.
