Spirals series
For this series, the artist developed a technique for painting a close-to-perfect spiral, freehand. She starts in the centre and then works out. Rather than making a continuous line, she uses short strokes, where each line is drawn backwards towards the previous one. The brush is not moved, it remains in the same spot while the paper is rotated under it. The eye is all the time correcting and somehow ends up keeping the form balanced. Although the line resembles the mark of a flet pen, it is actually made using a fine brush and gouache paint.
These works distinguish themselves from most others in the artist’s oeuvre because they almost remove intention from the making. While she will decide the color and size of each at the beginning, from there she will follow her fastidious system. It speaks of attention and discipline. The system is rigid; there is only one way to go. But there is a sense of comfort in the finished product because the goal was achieved: the creation of a balanced form.
The tangles of the Sanguine series are and Orange Flame are related to this series.
This series is ongoing and includes about 10-20 works.