Found Object

Found Object
In Found Object a women’s Nymph-brand raser blade is glued on the front of a piece of acrylic attached three inches from the wall. The text Touch me with your tongue is etched into the bottom of the acrylic creating a shadow on the wall. Lady’s Blade is written in a script font using Letraset on the wall behind the razor.
The piece functions within a feminist reading of the public and a private spheres. The public voice speaks of a status quo, authoritarian and violent, whose main desire is the molding of woman into submissive, nymph-like creatures. The intimate, private voice is represented by the invitation: Touch me with your tongue, which should be sensual but is a violent refusal to conform.
Two Women Show, La Central Galerie Powerhouse, Montreal, Quebec. CANADA. November 9-29, 1992.